My upline, Jacki (You can find her bog here: and I made a beeline to grab our new convention bags before getting in line for Momento Mall. Momento Mall is like a shopping area where demonstrators can purchase exclusive stampin' up merchandise for us to use in our business. We got in line for Momento Mall at 9:30 am and did not enter the room until 12:15. Now that is determination! The line went all the way down and then wrapped around the entire length of the ground floor of the Salt Palace Convention Center and then through twists and turns as if waiting to go on a ride. Well let me tell you, it was definitely well worth the "ride!" We wanted the goodies we saw other people walking away with. We waited for such a long time and then breezed through the store in 15 minutes flat!
These are views of both the line behind us and then the line ahead of us where it began to twist and turn. In case you are wondering it truly was worth the wait!
While waiting we talked to so many wonderful and friendly people. One of those people was a lovely woman named, Brandy. Brandy was carrying the most beautiful magnetic calendar with manipulative pieces that she created using a baking pan and Stampin' Up! merchandise. What a great idea for a teacher or a parent who home schools.
Now for the catalog, the bag, and some other fun stuff.
Notice the scalloped edge down the side of the catalog. It is beautiful! Full of some favorites and LOTS of new sets. The new sets are ALL die cut. NO need for your craft and rubber scissors for the new ones. Woo Hoo! This new catalog will be available for purchase on August 11th. Email me today to reserve your copy.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that while checking out at Momento Mall, Jacki and I got a chance to say hello to one of the greatest bloggers out there...Kristina Werner, yep she was checking people out. I just LOVE her blog and her make a card Monday. You can check our her blog at ( It is a must see! She was so nice and appreciative of our compliments. She was such a joy to talk to. Now, I like her even more! I guess you could say that I am true Kristina Werner groupie. Yes, that's ME!