Today marks the anniversary of two special events that a profound effect on making me the person I am me today. One happened long before my birth and the other happened 30 plus years since my birth.
June 19th is also known as Juneteenth. Juneteenth (June 19th), marks the anniversary of the date the slaves found out they were free. On June 19, 1865 (2years after Lincoln's Emanicipation Proclomation in 1963), The news finally reached the slaves to inform them that they were free. This is a very important and relevant date for me. With this date in my heart, my now husband and I planned our wedding on this very same date.

So, in short on June 19, 1999 I married the man of my dreams! I love and appreciate him more today than I did 10 years ago. He calms me. He's my rock and my constant source of support. Today, we celebrate our 10th anniversary while also keeping in mind the important historical relevance and context of this particular date. My husband and I celebrate this important day while also teaching our children the history of our culture.
For our anniversary, my husband and I have a tradition of returning to the place of our first date, the most amazing restaurant. When we went for our first date it was a BYOB store front restaurant. Today it's an upscale, valet parking, much needed reservation type of restaurant. I am salivating just thinking about my meal. Yum! Yum!
Last Day of School and Teacher GiftsI finished my school year yesterday. YEAH ME!!! Today marks the last day of school for my children. Last night while my husband got the boys ready for bed, my daughter and I baked chocolate chip cookies their teachers as a thank you. We used my favorite orange companion.
My kitchenAid mixer. It's real my favorite! (I usually claim green and brown. I like those too, but my first favorite color ever in life, was orange and now I am embracing it once again:-)I love this thing! It was a special gift to myself:-) Go Orange!

We bagged some up in cello bags and attached a cute little note card. Inside the note card, I wrote "Thanks for making me a smart little cookie!" After the cookies were baked and I tucked my daughter in to bed, I sat down with a retired simply scrappin' kit and created cards to go along with the bags of cookies. Here they are. This morning my kids decorated white Stampin' Up! gift bags by adhering stickers all over them. I neglected to get a picture of them this morning but I am posting sample stickers of what they used this morning.

Now I am off to get everything in order for tonight. (Facial, Hair all the fun stuff of being a woman)
Well, thanks for stopping by... now go stamp something!