Thanks so much! What a nice surprise. I want to thank Kim Warne for this exciting award. Thanks for thinking enough of my blog to nominate me for this special treat.
Okay, so upon getting this award I am supposed to do a few things. I am suppose to share 8 things about myself....I can do that easily...I think :-)
1). I am a mom to four really smart, amazing and very busy kids ranging in age from 4 to 17. (Of course I'm not biased:-) Oh, and did I forget to mention cute too?
2). I have a wonderful husband who will do almost anything I "tell" him to do:-)
3).I am a teacher, have been for 20 years...did I just say that out loud? I've taught first and second grades for 6 years each, and now I am currently a Literacy Specialist for grades K-2 and loving it! (Most days).
4). I enjoy all sorts of music from Florence and the Machine, to Kenny Rogers, to Beyonce, Rihanna, John Legend, Katy Perry, The Black Eye Peas, Colbie Callat, Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia, to Jay-Z, Anna Nalick, and more.
5). I always have a book on hand to read...when the opportunity presents itself:-)
6). I LOVE watching Y&R. I DVR it to watch nightly. It's a great way to unwind from my busy day.
7). I LOVE Oprah....I am dying to go to a taping before she is off the air :-(
8). Of course I LOVE stamping and being a Stampin' Up demonstrator. Convention is my favorite time of year.
That was harder than I thought it would be...
Now, I am suppose to select 8 blogs to pass this award on to. This is the hardest part because there are soooo many wonderful blogs out there full of super duper talent. How can I judge put it simply, I can't.
So.... I nominate this award to all of the blogs out their in bloggersville. Keep stamping and keep blogging because I LOVE peeking in and being impressed EVERYDAY!!!!
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